Wednesday, November 23, 2011

EZ Cardigan

Well I finally knitted up the Elizabeth Zimmerman Baby Surprise Jacket. (EZ BSJ) It sure doesn't look like much before you sew up the (one and only) seam. Unfortunately, I'm going to frog this and start again:(
I wish I had read all the notes in the Wiki page and the BSJ group before casting on. I didn't realize that the sleeves were only 3/4 length and that it would be so in newborn size. Ah well, live and learn.
So when I start again I will do a provisional co so I can make the sleeves as long as I want and also I will do an i-cord bind off that incorporates the seam as well so I don't have to sew it just like zigzagstitch does in her Toddlerized BSJ.
All that being said, I love how the colours of the Noro turned out.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

some FO's

Just a few projects that I finally finished and posted pics. Everybody wanted slippers for Christmas so I got started on them and made a bunch! A cabled hat for a friends newborn baby. Ribbed 'boy' socks for G-kid #1. Striped knee-highs for G-kid #2 and a pair of cabled footies for my DIL.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Gluten Free Maple Walnut Granola! Some GF oats, maple syrup etc... throw in some dried pear and dried grapes (yep, I mean raisins....just checking if you caught that!) and you have a bowl of deelish. Here's the recipe:

3c rolled oats (gluten free)
1/2c quinoa flakes
1/2c rice bran
1c walnuts, chopped
1/2c pumpkin seeds
1/2c sunflower seeds
1/4c veg oil
1/2c maple syrup (the real stuff)
1c raisins
1/2c dried pear, chopped
Mix all EXCEPT dried fruit in a big bowl...use a silicone spatula to stir. Spread in a large shallow pan (oil it a bit first) and bake at 300F for 20-25 min. Stir occasionally. Remove from oven and stir in pears and raisins. Cool completely before storing in a glass jar.
Serve with your fav milk: soy, rice, almond, goat or cow or over some yogurt!
I think it would be safe to say that you could sub chopped dried apples for the pears if you don't happen to have parents that very conveniently dried some of their pears for you:)

Monday, August 29, 2011


Sun is shining; sky is blue. I'm sweaty, out of breath, shaky with wobbly legs and I feel GREAT!
I went running on one of my favourite trails . Well OK, it was a walk/run. OK, it was more of an ungraceful, lumbering crashing through the bush. LOL. I was sucking more wind than a gaping chest wound.
The last time I ran was in September in Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver before becoming pregnant. My girls are now 4 months old and it's time to get moving! I've been on walks with their super buggy and a couple solo bike rides but running is what I prefer.
As for knitting, it's been simple things like slippers and a scarf. I manage to knit while nursing so that's a bonus!
oh yeah....we also went camping:)

Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm least for now

Well it's been a while and I've sort of missed this. I've been pretty busy gaining weight and being lazy!
It's been a long haul but we did it! Without going into the details of the rather difficult pregnancy, we finally realized our dream.
Introducing Ayla (5 lbs 8oz) and Arwen (5 lbs 11oz) born April 29th.
Now I just need to loose the excess weight and get active again:)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Happy 2011 everyone! Hope everyone has a healthy, happy year.
My day so far has been a total waste! Slept until 1130! Wasted some time on the computer and then vacuumed the bedroom. Woohoo! Dpo I know how to live it up or what?!
My plan was to make a nice vegetarian Greek dinner and a cheesecake for Todd's birthday but so far this has not happened.
OK, I'd best get at it. Bye for now.