Thursday, November 27, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

I can't quite decide what to do about Christmas this year. I usually do nothing. I'm just not that into it. If the kids are here then I will do a dinner and a few prezzies but otherwise.......
Sometimes I wish I could get 'into it' but I can't, wont, don't?!
Trying to get two knitted gifts done. Was moving right along on the Skull Gloves but now Todd is on the same shift as me and knitting secretly is getting difficult! I am not pleased with how the white shows through the black where I've carried it behind. I might be able to tweak it though. HE wont care but I do. They look cool against the guitar though:)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe how fast time flies (when you're having fun?). It's just been a busy week and I have had NO time at all to myself it seems. Too many things zinging around in this brain of mine to focus on any one thing for very long. AAARGH! I hate that. My attention span has been that of a two year old!
I started and finished a second pair of size, but for who? I wanted to get started on the socks for g-baby #1 but he has grown so much in the last while I don't dare cast on before I know how big his feet really are!
My nephew will be 3 in February and I will need to get started on a sweater for him soon. I might make it out of Diamond Tempo Yarn. It's a worsted weight wool/acrylic blend. Perfect for kids and mum's. Read: machine washable:) He is the owner of a lovely felted mat since his mum put his wool baby blanket through the washer! Aawww. She has hung onto it as a keepsake for him though.
Still working on the Skull Gloves (well not really...they are sort of hibernating) Trying to decide exactly where to put the skull as I am Improvising. Wonderful concept that involves math and thinking....LOL.
Keeping up on abs and running but push-ups have fallen to the wayside at the mo, however, my resistance bands have come out of hiding. Roller-skating tomorrow. Yay!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Finished the slippers for my Nephew. They are so quick. I think this is my fav pattern.
Next project for g-baby #1 is a pair of socks. I bought a sock kit from The Woollen Earth a while back and still have not used it. It came with 4 balls of sock yarn, 2 solid & 2 self-striping in navy blue/gray. The kit will make 2 pairs of adult socks but I think I will do these kids socks and then see what I have left for adults.
No roller skating today:(
.......but I did my push-up, abs and a 5km run.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Roller girl

Wow. I had a fantastic time roller-skating today! I think it has been 8 or 10 years since I laced myself into a pair of roller-skates but it was worth the wait. There were 2 kids birthday parties with the usual amount of ankle biters skating around...not necessarily in the right direction, mind you. Actually, there was only one direction to go. I recall from before that at sometime during the session, an announcement would be made to change direction. Didn't happen! I don't skate all that well going the other way anyway, but I think it would have been a nice change. Near the end when all those kids were on a sugar-high from their cake and pop.....direction was pretty much free for all. They were zinging about recklessly! Just about mopped out a few of them...accidentally of course. I had so much fun, I might even go back to follow if I do.
Now that I have done my civic duty and voted, ate my yummy veggie curry & rice; I think I will cast on those slippers. Either that or maybe some men's fingerless gloves for Todd so that he wont be cold while playing guitar. I think they will be black with a white (or off-white) skull design. How cool is that?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Spaghetti Arms

Whoa! Spaghetti Arms. I am a bit wobbly after my push-ups today. Week 2, day 1. LOL! Sounds like I have been captured and am keeping track of the days before my release! However, I actually did 63 of those triceps-burning, shoulder straining, arm-quivering push-ups.
I decided to skip my run today because I am going Roller-skating tomorrow...Yay! I haven't done that in years. Todd & I used to go when we were first dating and somehow we just haven't lately. We used to go ice skating too but that was when there was public skating on the weekend at our end of town. We would put our skates and stuff in a backpack and ride our bikes over to the rink, skate for a while and then ride home. Once there was sufficient snow on the ground to make bike riding crazy, we would xc-ski over there. Lots of fun.
I finished my little Legwarmies. The ones on the right are for a 2yr old and the ones on the left are for a baby.

Now I think I will quickly knit up a pair of slippers for my nephew.
It's an old pattern I got from my step-mum called 'Slippers for Everybody'
I just love them because they are knit in the round and therefore no dreaded Seaming!
Of course, these pink ones were for my niece. I think I will choose a something a little different for my nephew.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Sigh. I am Tired. I have a new rule about going on the computer. I must do some sort of Fitness workout BEFORE sitting in front of the computer. I have not posted anything since Friday and just realized it sounds like I haven't worked out. Did lots over the weekend and Monday but by the time everything else was done, I had no Energy to bother with the computer. Good in a way.
Before dinner I ran 5km, did my ab workout AND day 3 of week one of my hundred push-ups program. No wonder I am tired!
Not so tired though that I didn't get in any knitting. Went to my knitting group on Sunday and attempted to catch up with everyone, untie a frustrating knot in my yarn and actually knit. We have turned into a Large group of Women Who Knit in Public...yay us! So, it was difficult to follow all the conversation.....great multi-taskers that we are aside. As for the knot....after many minutes of struggling and thoughtful suggestions from friends, I finally took my scissors and cut through the yarn, grabbed the offending mass of tangled Bernat Satin and chucked it across the coffee shop. What fun! Thanks Sarah & Barb for that great idea. Managed to finally knit some rows on my 'Leg Warmies'. I am making them purple/aran stripes. They will look so cute when I get them done. I found the pattern through Ravelry but you can also find it here.
Happy Knitting:)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting Fitter...?More Fit

Well I guess I should explain why I named my blog Fitter Knitter. It's not because I think I am fit or more fit than others; it's because I want to be fitter...more fit...whatever.
Anyway, that is exactly what I have been attempting. I did check out
and did my initial test. Sadly I could do only 13 proper form on-the-toes push-ups. Oh well, gotta start somewhere. The program shows you how to proceed from there and I did my first day of week one. Wasn't bad at all! Also did some abs.....I wonder if there is a
Today is an off day for the push-ups so I ran instead. Since the roads are absolute crap from the snow I decided to dust off the ol' hamster 'treadmill'. Did 4km. Not bad since I have not ran since Sept 13th. OMG....has it really been that long? I did take a bit of a break partly because on the 11th I slipped on the mud and went down. My right leg went waaaaaaaaay left and I twisted my back. Still feel it a bit.
Was checking out some yarn online yesterday They have some really lovely yarn. Lots of colours. I was especially interested in their superwash wool. Hmmm, I'd better not. Maybe once the Jeep tires are off my Visa. LOL.
Have a great weekend:)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Snow, snow, snow

It's snowing! Yay! OK, I'm sure not everyone is as ecstatic as me about this but I love it because the more it snows the better the ski trails. XC-Skiing that is.
The drive home was NOT as fun. Good thing I got my snow tires on yesterday......and no, it is NOT my fault it snowed. Lots of people did the same blame them if you are not happy.
I am debating whether to shovel the driveway while I cook dinner. Mmmmmmmmm, I can smell it already. Eggplant Scallopini Marsala. I had to do something with that eggplant. It was trying to become compost or would have shortly.
The snow will probably melt tomorrow. Maybe I wont shovel. Procrastination 101 held every Thursday at this time...LOL.
I think I will go and knit instead. Although, I am thinking about checking out

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Slow start

So much for being fit! I'm off to a slow start today. Walked for about 45 minutes only but at a pace to put power-walkers to shame. This was partly due to the fact that I dropped off my Jeep to get new snow tires installed and had to get to work on time. Then had to pick up said Jeep at lunch hour which is actually only half an hour. Speaking of snow....we got a sprinkling overnight and it has stayed on the ground so it is perfect weather for knitting.
I am (apathetically) knitting a pair of mitts to pair up with a hat that is already completed. One to go. Having a hard time getting going on it.....maybe because it is a Commitment now. Notice how I am Blogging instead of Knitting.......LOL. more procrastinating.....I'm off to knit!