Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New projects

Have not been working on my little baby cardigan for a while but I did start a couple of new projects. One was a blue car seat blankie for Monica's baby to be.....a boy. I got tired of that and so I started and finished (because it was so quick) a Birthday Cowl for a friend who is having...you guessed it....a birthday! I bought the Drops Silke Alpaca in Vancouver while I was there recently. I have decided that Urban Yarns in one of my fav stores. I still need to block the cowl before gifting it and finish the blanket before the birth of the little one.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Made with Love

I am so looking forward to a few days off work. Some brainiac scheduled me for 2 evening shifts and then a day shift! Too tired to even think about this except for that the person that makes a schedule that jumps around so much only works m-f 8-4. Sigh.
Started and finished the cutest little newborn hat on Valentines day. It is for a baby in the making.
Two of my friends are due in March...so hopefully one of them has a girl because I think this hat is a bit girly.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

200 crunches

Woohoo! I have discovered a new fitness website. 200 Crunches! It is from the same guy who developed the 100 Push-ups site. My plan is to take the initial test to see how many I can do and then start the plan. It is a good idea to take a day of rest between the test and starting the 6 week plan. During that time you can knit. LOL.
I was doing the push-ups but I sort of quit or faded away from doing them? Anyway, I should start that again. Running has sort of gone by the wayside again......but the roads are crappy for running right now and I don't feel like being the next candidate for the surgery wait list game.
Besides, I would rather xc-ski or snowshoe right now. The last time I was out on the snowshoes my binding broke and I had to do an emergency field repair with a zap-strap. Ha! Take that McGyver!
Almost finished my nephews sweater! Yay! One more sleeve to go....good thing there are only 2.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Plodding along...

Here I am slowly plodding along through this sweater for my nephew. I started great guns to get this done by Feb 13th...his birthday but WORK! has interfered once again. I hate that 4 letter word sometimes. Sigh. Plus it would have helped if I didn't read 3 novels in the meantime. LOL. Been out snowshoeing and xc-skiing lots too but for me that is a necessity so it doesn't count for having no time to knit. Well he's turning 4 and I think he will be OK with a late prezzie from an aunt he hardly sees since we live so far apart. Hoping to make a trip this spring or summer. OK, off to knit at Timmy's.