Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Day

Oh happy happy day! I found some yarn:)
I contacted Ruth (from the Willow Basket) and she HAS SOME of the yarn I need to finish my baby cardi!!!!! Yay. I know someone would come through for me.
Of course I still have to drive out to her studio to get it but that is OK. Her website is unfortunately having technical difficulties so it is unavailable right now. I remember taking a business card when I made my last purchase at the store and I tucked into my set of Denise needles just in case. Glad I did:)
I decided after the very full day that was Sunday that I needed to take Monday off. Got the laundry done, tidied up around the house a bit, sorted through the bills etc. and made a big veggie lasagne and a spinach salad. Is it still a day off? felt like it.
Went skiing again on Tuesday though.....for about 3 hours. Hot bath and knitting was all I was good for by then.

Monday, January 26, 2009

yarn miscalculation

Darn! I did it again!
I miscalculated the amount of yarn I had left. I started a cute little cabled cardigan for my friends baby to be and I used a ball of yarn that I had hardly even started to knit up from a previous project. Apparently I knit up a bit more than I thought. If anyone has any King Cole Big Value Baby DK in white ( or cream I guess it is....colour #046 anyway) that they would be willing to part with, I would appreciate it. I am not concerned about the lot # because I have only the 2 sleeves and the button bands to do. It is a very small 0-3 months. The lot # is 35386.
The last few days here have been pretty cold but it hasn't stopped us from getting outside for a bit of xc-skiing. We have a few fav routes that we like to do and the one we did the last couple of days takes about an hour.....though on Saturday we went around twice just to get the ski tracks established. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day. Once you get out there and get moving it is hardly cold at all. Felt pretty good actually.
On Sunday we did the same trail and then I went roller skating with Karen. Fun, Fun, Fun. Went to stitch'n'b but I found it a bit too crowded so I quickly said hi to everyone, enjoyed a cup of javva and went on my way. Decided to see if Todd stopped by the bass players house to jam and while there I got an impromptu invite to dinner. Yum. I had wondered what I was going to do about dinner...
Got home at 1 a.m. Very tired.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Time Flies.

Well. I can't believe how much time has flown by since the last time I blathered on about anything. I finally got back to see everyone at SNB....was great to catch up:) Well at least I went 1 week (in a row?...LOL).
Todd & I decided to check out the property and shovel off the roof....just in case. No need to have to shovel the snow from INSIDE the house. What a beautiful day! We brought the snowshoes so that we could actually walk instead of trying to wade through thigh high snow.

I started a cardigan for my friend's baby-to-be even though I told myself NO new projects until I finished off my other wip's! Ha! Good Luck with that. I did manage to finish a pair of cabled ankle socks for g-baby #2.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Long day

Thursday seemed like the longest day ever. I had to go to Vancouver for an appointment, so I set my alarm for 0430 since I would have to leave the house by 0515 at the latest so that I could drive to the airport so I would make my flight. Inevitably, I awoke at 0342 instead. This always seems to happen when I KNOW I cannot sleep in! I tried going back to sleep but the snowplow whooshed by so that was the end of that!
Spent the day in Van but was not armed with names of knitting shops or addresses so I didn't buy any new yarn. I know, some of you are appalled at this moment.....however all is not lost as I picked up some wool at Michael's yesterday to start a cabled scarf or a fair isle hat.
I arrived back at the airport in Plenty of time to make my 1935 flight back only to find it had been Delayed by 1 1/2 HOURS!!!! Luckily I had my knitting with me and merrily passed the time doing that. In my peripheral hearing I was amazed at how some people could go on and on chatting mindlessly about not much of complete strangers! Luckily I was able to tune out most of it:)
Anyway by the time we landed it was 2205 and by the time I walked in the door of home sweet home it was 2315. I was done.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Chaos invaded my house for about a day......(not sure if I could handle any more than that) and now I just have damage control to deal with! The kids stopped by with g-kid #1 & #2 for an overnight visit before embarking on the homeward voyage. I could not believe how quickly my house went from clean & tidy to bomb site. Amazing....I guess it has been a while since my kids were that small. Were their toys ever that... noisy, annoying, hard plastic that hurts so much when you accidentally step on it while carrying a stack of crystal to be returned to the china cabinet....LOL.
Well all that met it's fate was one plate that g-kid #2 decided that she didn't like, so she frisbee'd it off the table after depositing her french toast on the placemat. Oh well, it was the ugly plate anyway. Swept that up and deposited it in the trash, did a bunch of laundry and now all that's really left is to run around with the vacuum and polish the spit off the windows (from g-kid#2 kissing the windows to say hi/bye to the puppies outside:))
Had some nice skiing in before the home invasion. I wish I had had my camera. It was so beautiful out. The trees were white and frosted with a backdrop of med grey sky while the sun was a mere glow through the clouds. It would have put an Ansel Adams print to shame.
Now g-kid #1 wants a Knitted Helmet hat (see previous post). He calls it a Ninja hat! LOL. I wonder if I should make it in black? I have some nice dark grey....maybe I'll use that.
p.s. still no Jeep:(