Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I know the first official full day of Autumn is not until tomorrow but the day is sunny, crisp and cold just like it should be. The sky is a bright blue and the leaves are turning golden. Yesterday when I went for my walk, the leaves were gently falling towards the ground.....yet some had a kamikaze pilot approach to their demise and dive bombed to the end.
I made sure to take my bear spray with me therefore ensuring that I would not encounter a hungry bear trying to fatten up for winter. The only time you see one, really is when you forget to bring it along and you are far into the bush with not a soul around and only an old, deaf 17yr old Shep/Husky cross as your would be defender.
As for's been a bit of a disaster. I recently stayed with 2 of my nieces and as a sort of Thankyou, I thought it would be nice to knit a little something for them. I bought some Nashua Handknits Creative Focus Worsted and got to work on a Waterfall Scarf. It was a quick easy knit but at the very end when you are supposed to "encourage" some of the stitches to drop, it just did not happen. If anyone has any ideas about how to encourage these stitches to drop I would appreciate it. I have tried EVERYTHING!! I tried talking nicely, shouting, cursing, cajoling, reverse psychology, bribing, begging, pleading......nothing worked! Grrrr. Now it looks like a plain (twisted) garter stitch scarf:( Not what I imagined at all.
As for the second scarf, I am attempting 198yds of Heaven........which undoubtedly will turn into 200m of Hell.
Happy Knitting and Happy Autumn.

1 comment:

diandra said...

i have no advice on encouraging the sts to drop. but i am mad it's autumn tomorrow already!!! bah.