Sunday, September 13, 2009

what a day!

What a productive day today has been (especially compared to yesterday which was just a stupid day all around...basically all I got done was the lawn)! Got up a coffee going (organic fair-trade ethical bean 'Lush Sumatran....very yum!), made 4 loaves of whole wheat bread, took the dogs for a run with the bike, made a huge Kale salad....picture shows only 1/4 of it....pumpkin date muffins, Sarah's Hot Greek Salad, Meat Free BBQ Balls (from my new fav site have cake, will travel) also Pumpkin Fauxsage from the same site, a huge Rosemary Garlic Foccacia (already ate some...good but a bit salty...will reduce salt on top next time) from rebar cookbook, did all the laundry and now I am just waiting for the veggies to finish roasting so I can throw together a Lasagne! MMMMMMMMMMMM. I was going to make Polenta, Seitan Chorizo crumbles, and Crispy Seitan Bacon but those will have to wait for another day.
Went to knitting group at Starbucks...had a coffee when I should have had a Decaf!! Oops. Took an Opinion Poll about my Darkwood cardi and am now satisfied that I can continue along according to the pattern...Yay! Thanks gals.

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