Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Normal...Almost

A hundred years ago in July I hurt my back at work and it's been a frustrating struggle to get back to normal. Many people could argue what normal is but for me it means that I can go running, hiking and biking without pain (or almost) and to be able to go to work (though I would rather stay home if they would still pay me....good luck with that) sit to knit instead of trying to do it while standing and pacing, stand for ages at the stove creating a fabulous dinner...you know...NORMAL things!
I am still going to Physio but that will come to an end soon I think. I did manage to knit a few things...socks, a mobius shawl, a doll outfit (which is another story altogether!). Also attended my first yarn swap and it was soooooooo much fun! Lots of new knits planned.

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