Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Aaargh! I just cannot seem to find ANY pattern that is suitable for a certain 7yr old! Of course they are buying any yarn.....must use up what I have......can't be slippers because I made him some last year........would be great if it had something to do with wii or superheroes........
I started an Easy Helmet hat but realized I needed to hold two strands of yarn together. Not that I have issues with that but I just did not have enough yarn. Then I decided on a 2x2 ribbed hat but I'm not in love with it so rrrrrrrrrrip! I bought some more Garnstudio Big Fabel ( a while ago ) so I might make some mittens or some socks. It's a nice pale blue mix. I think he will like it:)
Other random thoughts: driving on Friday was horrendous, Sunday I slogged through knee deep snow to do some trail clearing so we can xc-ski and should have used the snowshoes...LOL, it took 1 1/2 hrs to get to work because of a power line down on the highway and we had to be re-routed. cell phone so I couldn't let work know where I was.
Another thought: it was nice to know my co-workers were concerned about me:)


Charity said...

Have you ever looked at the book "Yarn Girl's Guide to Kids' Knits"? They have lots of kid-friendly patterns, and the book is at our library, if you're interested.

ashley-in-chains said...

Thanks Charity. I will check that out.