Monday, December 22, 2008

$120 for a Tow!

Yikes! I hate to see the repair bill after having to pay $120 for a tow to the shop. There is such a back log of vehicles to be seen at the shop that I wont even get an estimate until tomorrow. Ah well, as one of my friends says "It's only money".
I hope they can repair it by tomorrow though because I need to go shopping for Christmas dinner....well Dec 27th dinner when the kids are here. I think they would like real meat instead of any vegetarian fare I happen to already have on hand. LOL!
Plus, they want my Trifle for dessert! I have already baked the Gingerbread Teddies that they have to have. They look like they seriously need to go on a diet but the kids love them.
I have started knitting some 'Silk Sleeves' for my daughter-in-law out of Drops Kid-Silk. I am using colour #05 which is 'Heather'. Very nice but with my dry hands it sort of reminds me of spiderwebs! Honestly though it is very beautiful.

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