Friday, December 25, 2009


Been pretty busy lately with work, snowshoeing and xc-skiing. Now that we have enough snow I try to get out there at least every other day with the skis or snowshoes. We had a bit of a cold snap that kept me in....but when it warmed up to -24C I was out there again. Yeah, I'm crazy! LOL.
Todd had the dogs out with his Red-Green sled aka Tim the Toolman sled. When the season is early or the trails are not established yet, he uses his home-made contraption to run the dogs instead of the fancy dog-sled. Saves wear and tear.
Had a few items to finish off for Christmas gifts. I love this Birthday Cowl I have made three now. Here's a pic of the latest one and also last minute gift for a couple of sweet girls.

1 comment:

lexa said...

Merry Christmas! My dogs are really bad pullers. I always say I am going to hook them up to a dog sled!