Saturday, February 6, 2010

February already!

Where did all the time go since Christmas??? Work I guess. LOL.
I've been doing some knitting of course. Been pretty active with
xc-skiing too. Running...not so much. Did some runs though with a
couple of the dogs.
Had a bit of the flu....despite having TWO flu shots. It was the type
where you lose 5lbs at one sitting (so to speak...haha) So that knocked me off my feet for a few days:(
Now, two of the g-kids are in town visiting so we went on a walk in "the jungle" with one of the dogs. They did really well...especially the 3yr old.....probably did 3km. I called her my little pumpkin, though she insisted she was a BIG pumpkin until she wanted to be carried. Then she was a LITTLE pumpkin.....LOL
In the middle of making Pumpkin/choc chip muffins with cinnamon...YUM

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