Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nov 1

Nov 1 marks the day I started running again...yay me! Finally after a summer of injuries I can finally strap on my Saucony's and get out there! I took one of the dogs and did a short (3k) run through the fields on the way to the mailbox. Once on the trail I let him off the leash so he could really run without dragging me behind or yanking out my arm. Just before the old horse field I noticed a tree down with the bark scraped off and moose (...or deer?) prints all around. Wow, nice! They made it through hunting season:) Just around the bend, we spooked the moose (OK, so they weren't deer) and her TWO calves. The dog took off running but he came back almost immediately when I called to him. I really didn't want that moose mama to be chasin' me down so I hooked him back up again.
When I got back I decided to take a different dog to some different trails. She's about 16yrs old so a bit slow and pokey but she still can run and jump. Anyway, we were almost to the end of the trail when I came across so rather large bear prints. They looked to be about a day old but even so, I decided I should probably have my bear spray in hand rather than neatly tucked into my backpack. After struggling with the clip on my pack, fumbling with the zipper, pushing my mail and newspaper out of the way and finally grabbing the spray with my mittened hand, I thought it was a good thing those prints were old 'cause I would have been dinner by now:(
Last month I knitted my first toe-up socks. They turned out pretty good so I made another pair. Also made a few hats for Knit-for-kids...still working on those so I'll post some pics later.

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