Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Knitter's Block

I seem to be having all sorts of difficulties with knitting lately. First, I decided to get started on my Dad's Re-soleable two-yarn socks but I didn't like how I cast on....it seemed HUGE and I was tired and couldn't put the energy into making my brain figure out the sizing. Then, I knit up a cute Poodle Pink cat ear hat for g-baby #2 but Frogged it due to the fact that unless she has a head the size of the Great Pumpkin (Charlie Brown) then it wasn't going to fit. Sigh. Decided to cast on with smaller needles and realized I didn't own the size I needed. AARGH! Shopping again. Just when I'm trying to Not Spend Any Money right now. Cast on different socks for my son then immediately pulled them off the needles because I just couldn't do it with a needle poking me in the eye. I wish this stupid headache would get lost!

1 comment:

knitwit said...

Trust me I know! I think my wonderful luck rubbed off on you. Sorry, As for the headache, after yesterdays Migraine I thought my head was going to rocket off and after getting sick my back felt broken! Why won't it all just go away and leave us with well knit peices and peaceful heads? AGH THE LUCK>