Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Amazing Missing Socks

I had a chat with my Dad the other day just to catch up on things. Somehow we got to talking about knitting and my then current project of socks. Here's how it went. I would like socks. I made you a pair. You did not. Yes I did! When? 4 years ago. You did not! AAARGH! Then he asked my step-mum and she said no (she wasn't even there) Then I said...I can tell you exactly when I gave them to you because they were a late birthday present. OK tell me. I gave them to you at the Vancouver airport sitting at the big window looking out at the planes while waiting for our flight to England! They were dark blue and not wrapped but in a big brown envelope! When you opened it you let out this big loud laugh! (he barks out a big loud laugh)...yes like that I say!
In the end it was decided (by him) that I never gave him socks; my memory must be failing (whose memory??) but he would appreciate some. Amazing! Anyway, I guess I know what I am knitting next.


lexa said...

Too funny! Videotape the next deliverance of the socks.

ashley-in-chains said...

Good idea...I was thinking that very same thing!