Monday, January 26, 2009

yarn miscalculation

Darn! I did it again!
I miscalculated the amount of yarn I had left. I started a cute little cabled cardigan for my friends baby to be and I used a ball of yarn that I had hardly even started to knit up from a previous project. Apparently I knit up a bit more than I thought. If anyone has any King Cole Big Value Baby DK in white ( or cream I guess it is....colour #046 anyway) that they would be willing to part with, I would appreciate it. I am not concerned about the lot # because I have only the 2 sleeves and the button bands to do. It is a very small 0-3 months. The lot # is 35386.
The last few days here have been pretty cold but it hasn't stopped us from getting outside for a bit of xc-skiing. We have a few fav routes that we like to do and the one we did the last couple of days takes about an hour.....though on Saturday we went around twice just to get the ski tracks established. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day. Once you get out there and get moving it is hardly cold at all. Felt pretty good actually.
On Sunday we did the same trail and then I went roller skating with Karen. Fun, Fun, Fun. Went to stitch'n'b but I found it a bit too crowded so I quickly said hi to everyone, enjoyed a cup of javva and went on my way. Decided to see if Todd stopped by the bass players house to jam and while there I got an impromptu invite to dinner. Yum. I had wondered what I was going to do about dinner...
Got home at 1 a.m. Very tired.

1 comment:

lexa said...

Sorry that I can't help you out with the yarn. I've never seen that kind around here. I've done that too many times, too -- think I've got enough yarn then all of a sudden it's like, "Where'd it all go?!?!"