Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Time Flies.

Well. I can't believe how much time has flown by since the last time I blathered on about anything. I finally got back to see everyone at SNB....was great to catch up:) Well at least I went 1 week (in a row?...LOL).
Todd & I decided to check out the property and shovel off the roof....just in case. No need to have to shovel the snow from INSIDE the house. What a beautiful day! We brought the snowshoes so that we could actually walk instead of trying to wade through thigh high snow.

I started a cardigan for my friend's baby-to-be even though I told myself NO new projects until I finished off my other wip's! Ha! Good Luck with that. I did manage to finish a pair of cabled ankle socks for g-baby #2.

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