Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Day

Oh happy happy day! I found some yarn:)
I contacted Ruth (from the Willow Basket) and she HAS SOME of the yarn I need to finish my baby cardi!!!!! Yay. I know someone would come through for me.
Of course I still have to drive out to her studio to get it but that is OK. Her website is unfortunately having technical difficulties so it is unavailable right now. I remember taking a business card when I made my last purchase at the store and I tucked into my set of Denise needles just in case. Glad I did:)
I decided after the very full day that was Sunday that I needed to take Monday off. Got the laundry done, tidied up around the house a bit, sorted through the bills etc. and made a big veggie lasagne and a spinach salad. Is it still a day off? felt like it.
Went skiing again on Tuesday though.....for about 3 hours. Hot bath and knitting was all I was good for by then.

1 comment:

lexa said...

Glad you found the yarn to finish your project. :)