Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I was tired this morning. Not sure why though. I got up a bit later than usual and while having my first cup of coffee, I went to check on my pumpkins. I planted about 12 of them. They are just in those little peat pot disks that puff up when you put them in water.....grow monkeys for adults:)
Anyway.....I looked outside to see these 2 moose calves trimming the willows.
I went outside to get a couple of shots but didn't see momma until I went back in.....ooops! She walked from behind where I had been standing. I went back out to get a pic of her too.......all the while being warned that she might charge! Yeahyeah! She didn't.

I am slowly working on my Jaywalkers. I picked up some Sisu to finish the cuffs. I think it matches quite nicely. However, I broke one of my Knitpicks Harmony DPN's! Boo Hoo:(

1 comment:

lexa said...

That is too cool! And yes, you hafta watch the Momma Moose -- they're protective, like most Mommas! Moose are a rarity where I live. I saw a couple of them in the wild when I was a kid. There was a big male hanging around last spring about a five minute drive from down town. He was spotted a couple of days, I think he was mostly just passing through. Hubs see a LOT of them in New Brunswick, don't know if he's seen any in Cape Breton or not.