Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Showers?

April showers bring May flowers....hahaha...not if it's snow showers. Sigh. Oh well, I guess I still have more xc-skiing time.
Speaking of which, my ski yesterday was more like resistance training! Take one Sunny Spring Day, Fresh Snow and a set of Skis and there you have it. The snow stuck to the bottom of my skis and actually stacked up like high heeled shoes!!! I discovered it is actually possible to 'trip' while wearing skis. It's really more like a body in motion stays in motion...only the skis have stopped! LOL.
Feeling a bit 'run over' today but it was fun.
Finished the Cat Hat for G-babe #2. All I need is a nifty button to complete. Also finished the Ninja hat for G-kid #1.

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