Tuesday, February 10, 2009

200 crunches

Woohoo! I have discovered a new fitness website. 200 Crunches! It is from the same guy who developed the 100 Push-ups site. My plan is to take the initial test to see how many I can do and then start the plan. It is a good idea to take a day of rest between the test and starting the 6 week plan. During that time you can knit. LOL.
I was doing the push-ups but I sort of quit or faded away from doing them? Anyway, I should start that again. Running has sort of gone by the wayside again......but the roads are crappy for running right now and I don't feel like being the next candidate for the surgery wait list game.
Besides, I would rather xc-ski or snowshoe right now. The last time I was out on the snowshoes my binding broke and I had to do an emergency field repair with a zap-strap. Ha! Take that McGyver!
Almost finished my nephews sweater! Yay! One more sleeve to go....good thing there are only 2.

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